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Updating DataHub

This file documents any backwards-incompatible changes in DataHub and assists people when migrating to a new version.


Breaking Changes

Potential Downtime


  • #8525: In LDAP ingestor, the manager_pagination_enabled changed to general pagination_enabled

Other Notable Changes

  • #8300: Clickhouse source now inherited from TwoTierSQLAlchemy. In old way we have platform_instance -> container -> co container db (None) -> container schema and now we have platform_instance -> container database.
  • #8300: Added uri_opts argument; now we can add any options for clickhouse client.
  • #8659: BigQuery ingestion no longer creates DataPlatformInstance aspects by default. This will only affect users that were depending on this aspect for custom functionality, and can be enabled via the include_data_platform_instance config option.


Breaking Changes

  • #8201: Python SDK: In the DataFlow class, the cluster argument is deprecated in favor of env.
  • #8263: Okta source config option okta_profile_to_username_attr default changed from login to email. This determines which Okta profile attribute is used for the corresponding DataHub user and thus may change what DataHub users are generated by the Okta source. And in a follow up okta_profile_to_username_regex has been set to .* which taken together with previous change brings the defaults in line with OIDC.
  • #8331: For all sql-based sources that support profiling, you can no longer specify profile_table_level_only together with include_field_xyz config options to ingest certain column-level metrics. Instead, set profile_table_level_only to false and individually enable / disable desired field metrics.
  • #8451: The bigquery-beta and snowflake-beta source aliases have been dropped. Use bigquery and snowflake as the source type instead.
  • #8472: Ingestion runs created with Pipeline.create will show up in the DataHub ingestion tab as CLI-based runs. To revert to the previous behavior of not showing these runs in DataHub, pass no_default_report=True.
  • #8513: snowflake connector will use user's email attribute as is in urn. To revert to previous behavior disable email_as_user_identifier in recipe.

Potential Downtime

  • BrowsePathsV2 upgrade will now be handled by the system-update job in non-blocking mode. This process generates data needed for the new search and browse feature. This process must complete before enabling the new search and browse UI and while upgrading entities will be missing from the UI. If not using the new search and browse UI, there will be no impact and the update will complete in the background.


  • #8198: In the Python SDK, the PlatformKey class has been renamed to ContainerKey.

Other Notable Changes

0.10.5 introduces the new Unified Search & Browse experience and is disabled by default. You can control whether or not you want to see just the new search filtering experience, the new search and browse experience together, or keep the existing search and browse experiences by toggling the two environment variable feature flags SHOW_SEARCH_FILTERS_V2 and SHOW_BROWSE_V2 in your GMS container.

Upgrade Considerations:

  • With the release of Browse V2, we have created a job to run in GMS that will backfill your existing data with new browsePathsV2 aspects. This job loops over entity types that need a browsePathsV2 aspect (Dataset, Dashboard, Chart, DataJob, DataFlow, MLModel, MLModelGroup, MLFeatureTable, and MLFeature) and generates one for them. For entities that may have Container parents (Datasets and Dashboards) we will try to fetch their parent containers in order to generate this new aspect. For those deployments with large amounts of data, consider whether running this upgrade job makes sense as it may be a heavy operation and take some time to complete. If you wish to skip this job, simply set the BACKFILL_BROWSE_PATHS_V2 environment variable flag to false in your GMS container. Without this backfill job, though, you will need to rely on the newest CLI of ingestion to create these browsePathsV2 aspects when running ingestion otherwise your browse sidebar will be out-of-sync.
  • Since the new browse experience replaces the old, consider whether having the SHOW_BROWSE_V2 environment variable feature flag on is the right decision for your organization. If you’re creating custom browse paths with the browsePaths aspect, you can continue to do the same with the new experience, however you will have to generate browsePathsV2 aspects instead which are documented here.


Breaking Changes

Potential Downtime


  • #8045: With the introduction of custom ownership types, the Owner aspect has been updated where the type field is deprecated in favor of a new field typeUrn. This latter field is an urn reference to the new OwnershipType entity. GraphQL endpoints have been updated to use the new field. For pre-existing ownership aspect records, DataHub now has logic to map the old field to the new field.

Other notable Changes

  • #8191: Updates GMS's health check endpoint to account for its dependency on external components. Notably, at this time, elasticsearch. This means that DataHub operators can now use GMS health status more reliably.


Breaking Changes

  • #7900: The catalog_pattern and schema_pattern options of the Unity Catalog source now match against the fully qualified name of the catalog/schema instead of just the name. Unless you're using regex ^ in your patterns, this should not affect you.
  • #7942: Renaming the containerPath aspect to browsePathsV2. This means any data with the aspect name containerPath will be invalid. We had not exposed this in the UI or used it anywhere, but it was a model we recently merged to open up other work. This should not affect many people if anyone at all unless you were manually creating containerPath data through ingestion on your instance.
  • #8068: In the datahub delete CLI, if an --entity-type filter is not specified, we automatically delete across all entity types. The previous behavior was to use a default entity type of dataset.
  • #8068: In the datahub delete CLI, the --start-time and --end-time parameters are not required for timeseries aspect hard deletes. To recover the previous behavior of deleting all data, use --start-time min --end-time max.

Potential Downtime


  • The signature of Source.get_workunits() is changed from Iterable[WorkUnit] to the more restrictive Iterable[MetadataWorkUnit].
  • Legacy usage creation via the UsageAggregation aspect, /usageStats?action=batchIngest GMS endpoint, and UsageStatsWorkUnit metadata-ingestion class are all deprecated.

Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • #7016 Add add_database_name_to_urn flag to Oracle source which ensure that Dataset urns have the DB name as a prefix to prevent collision (.e.g. {database}.{schema}.{table}). ONLY breaking if you set this flag to true, otherwise behavior remains the same.
  • The Airflow plugin no longer includes the DataHub Kafka emitter by default. Use pip install acryl-datahub-airflow-plugin[datahub-kafka] for Kafka support.
  • The Airflow lineage backend no longer includes the DataHub Kafka emitter by default. Use pip install acryl-datahub[airflow,datahub-kafka] for Kafka support.
  • Java SDK PatchBuilders have been modified in a backwards incompatible way to align more with the Python SDK and support more use cases. Any application utilizing the Java SDK for patch building may be affected on upgrading this dependency.


  • The docker image and script for updating from Elasticsearch 6 to 7 is no longer being maintained and will be removed from the /contrib section of the repository. Please refer to older releases if needed.


Breaking Changes

  • #7103 This should only impact users who have configured explicit non-default names for DataHub's Kafka topics. The environment variables used to configure Kafka topics for DataHub used in the kafka-setup docker image have been updated to be in-line with other DataHub components, for more info see our docs on Configuring Kafka in DataHub . They have been suffixed with _TOPIC where as now the correct suffix is _TOPIC_NAME. This change should not affect any user who is using default Kafka names.
  • #6906 The Redshift source has been reworked and now also includes usage capabilities. The old Redshift source was renamed to redshift-legacy. The redshift-usage source has also been renamed to redshift-usage-legacy will be removed in the future.

Potential Downtime

  • #6894 Search improvements requires reindexing indices. A system-update job will run which will set indices to read-only and create a backup/clone of each index. During the reindexing new components will be prevented from start-up until the reindex completes. The logs of this job will indicate a % complete per index. Depending on index sizes and infrastructure this process can take 5 minutes to hours however as a rough estimate 1 hour for every 2.3 million entities.

Helm Notes

Helm without --atomic: The default timeout for an upgrade command is 5 minutes. If the reindex takes longer (depending on data size) it will continue to run in the background even though helm will report a failure. Allow this job to finish and then re-run the helm upgrade command.

Helm with --atomic: In general, it is recommended to not use the --atomic setting for this particular upgrade since the system update job will be terminated before completion. If --atomic is preferred, then increase the timeout using the --timeout flag to account for the reindexing time (see note above for estimating this value).



Breaking Changes

  • #6742 The metadata file sink's output format no longer contains nested JSON strings for MCP aspects, but instead unpacks the stringified JSON into a real JSON object. The previous sink behavior can be recovered using the legacy_nested_json_string option. The file source is backwards compatible and supports both formats.
  • #6901 The env and database_alias fields have been marked deprecated across all sources. We recommend using platform_instance where possible instead.

Potential Downtime


  • #6851 - Sources bigquery-legacy and bigquery-usage-legacy have been removed

Other notable Changes

  • If anyone faces issues with login please clear your cookies. Some security updates are part of this release. That may cause login issues until cookies are cleared.

0.9.4 / 0.9.5

Breaking Changes

  • #6243 apache-ranger authorizer is no longer the core part of DataHub GMS, and it is shifted as plugin. Please refer updated documentation Configuring Authorization with Apache Ranger for configuring apache-ranger-plugin in DataHub GMS.
  • #6243 apache-ranger authorizer as plugin is not supported in DataHub Kubernetes deployment.
  • #6243 Authentication and Authorization plugins configuration are removed from application.yml. Refer documentation Migration Of Plugins From application.yml for migrating any existing custom plugins.
  • datahub check graph-consistency command has been removed. It was a beta API that we had considered but decided there are better solutions for this. So removing this.
  • graphql_url option of powerbi-report-server source deprecated as the options is not used.
  • #6789 BigQuery ingestion: If enable_legacy_sharded_table_support is set to False, sharded table names will be suffixed with _yyyymmdd to make sure they don't clash with non-sharded tables. This means if stateful ingestion is enabled then old sharded tables will be recreated with a new id and attached tags/glossary terms/etc will need to be added again. This behavior is not enabled by default yet, but will be enabled by default in a future release.

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes

  • #6611 - Snowflake schema_pattern now accepts pattern for fully qualified schema name in format <catalog_name>.<schema_name> by setting config match_fully_qualified_names : True. Current default match_fully_qualified_names: False is only to maintain backward compatibility. The config option match_fully_qualified_names will be deprecated in future and the default behavior will assume match_fully_qualified_names: True."
  • #6636 - Sources snowflake-legacy and snowflake-usage-legacy have been removed.


Breaking Changes

  • The beta datahub check graph-consistency command has been removed.

Potential Downtime


  • PowerBI source: workspace_id_pattern is introduced in place of workspace_id. workspace_id is now deprecated and set for removal in a future version.

Other notable Changes


  • LookML source will only emit views that are reachable from explores while scanning your git repo. Previous behavior can be achieved by setting emit_reachable_views_only to False.
  • LookML source will always lowercase urns for lineage edges from views to upstream tables. There is no fallback provided to previous behavior because it was inconsistent in application of lower-casing earlier.
  • dbt config node_type_pattern which was previously deprecated has been removed. Use entities_enabled instead to control whether to emit metadata for sources, models, seeds, tests, etc.
  • The dbt source will always lowercase urns for lineage edges to the underlying data platform.
  • The DataHub Airflow lineage backend and plugin no longer support Airflow 1.x. You can still run DataHub ingestion in Airflow 1.x using the PythonVirtualenvOperator.

Breaking Changes

  • #6570 snowflake connector now populates created and last modified timestamps for snowflake datasets and containers. This version of snowflake connector will not work with datahub-gms version older than v0.9.3

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • We have promoted bigquery-beta to bigquery. If you are using bigquery-beta then change your recipes to use the type bigquery.

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • Java version 11 or greater is required.
  • For any of the GraphQL search queries, the input no longer supports value but instead now accepts a list of values. These values represent an OR relationship where the field value must match any of the values.

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • The getNativeUserInviteToken and createNativeUserInviteToken GraphQL endpoints have been renamed to getInviteToken and createInviteToken respectively. Additionally, both now accept an optional roleUrn parameter. Both endpoints also now require the MANAGE_POLICIES privilege to execute, rather than MANAGE_USER_CREDENTIALS privilege.
  • One of the default policies shipped with DataHub (urn:li:dataHubPolicy:7, or All Users - All Platform Privileges) has been edited to no longer include MANAGE_POLICIES. Its name has consequently been changed to All Users - All Platform Privileges (EXCEPT MANAGE POLICIES). This change was made to prevent all users from effectively acting as superusers by default.

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • Browse Paths have been upgraded to a new format to align more closely with the intention of the feature. Learn more about the changes, including steps on upgrading, here:
  • The dbt ingestion source's disable_dbt_node_creation and load_schema options have been removed. They were no longer necessary due to the recently added sibling entities functionality.
  • The snowflake source now uses newer faster implementation (earlier snowflake-beta). Config properties provision_role and check_role_grants are not supported. Older snowflake and snowflake-usage are available as snowflake-legacy and snowflake-usage-legacy sources respectively.

Potential Downtime

  • [Helm] If you're using Helm, please ensure that your version of the datahub-actions container is bumped to v0.0.7 or head. This version contains changes to support running ingestion in debug mode. Previous versions are not compatible with this release. Upgrading to helm chart version 0.2.103 will ensure that you have the compatible versions by default.


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • Python 3.6 is no longer supported for metadata ingestion
  • #5451 GMS_HOST and GMS_PORT environment variables deprecated in v0.8.39 have been removed. Use DATAHUB_GMS_HOST and DATAHUB_GMS_PORT instead.
  • #5478 DataHub CLI delete command when used with --hard option will delete soft-deleted entities which match the other filters given.
  • #5471 Looker now populates userEmail in dashboard user usage stats. This version of looker connnector will not work with older version of datahub-gms if you have extract_usage_history looker config enabled.
  • #5529 - ANALYTICS_ENABLED environment variable in datahub-gms is now deprecated. Use DATAHUB_ANALYTICS_ENABLED instead.
  • #5485 --include-removed option was removed from delete CLI

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • The should_overwrite flag in csv-enricher has been replaced with write_semantics to match the format used for other sources. See the documentation for more details

  • Closing an authorization hole in creating tags adding a Platform Privilege called Create Tags for creating tags. This is assigned to datahub root user, along with default All Users policy. Notice: You may need to add this privilege (or Manage Tags) to existing users that need the ability to create tags on the platform.

  • #5329 Below profiling config parameters are now supported in BigQuery:

    • profiling.profile_if_updated_since_days (default=1)
    • profiling.profile_table_size_limit (default=1GB)
    • profiling.profile_table_row_limit (default=50000)

    Set above parameters to null if you want older behaviour.

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • #5240 lineage_client_project_id in bigquery source is removed. Use storage_project_id instead.

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • Refactored the health field of the Dataset GraphQL Type to be of type list of HealthStatus (was type HealthStatus). See this PR for more details.

Potential Downtime


  • #4875 Lookml view file contents will no longer be populated in custom_properties, instead view definitions will be always available in the View Definitions tab.
  • #5208 GMS_HOST and GMS_PORT environment variables being set in various containers are deprecated in favour of DATAHUB_GMS_HOST and DATAHUB_GMS_PORT.
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_NAME environment variable in datahub-mae-consumer and datahub-gms is now deprecated. Use METADATA_AUDIT_EVENT_NAME instead.
  • KAFKA_MCE_TOPIC_NAME environment variable in datahub-mce-consumer and datahub-gms is now deprecated. Use METADATA_CHANGE_EVENT_NAME instead.
  • KAFKA_FMCE_TOPIC_NAME environment variable in datahub-mce-consumer and datahub-gms is now deprecated. Use FAILED_METADATA_CHANGE_EVENT_NAME instead.

Other notable Changes

  • #5132 Profile tables in snowflake source only if they have been updated since configured (default: 1) number of day(s). Update the config profiling.profile_if_updated_since_days as per your profiling schedule or set it to None if you want older behaviour.


Breaking Changes

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes

  • Create & Revoke Access Tokens via the UI
  • Create and Manage new users via the UI
  • Improvements to Business Glossary UI
  • FIX - Do not require reindexing to migrate to using the UI business glossary


Breaking Changes

  • In this release we introduce a brand new Business Glossary experience. With this new experience comes some new ways of indexing data in order to make viewing and traversing the different levels of your Glossary possible. Therefore, you will have to restore your indices in order for the new Glossary experience to work for users that already have existing Glossaries. If this is your first time using DataHub Glossaries, you're all set!

Potential Downtime


Other notable Changes

  • #4961 Dropped profiling is not reported by default as that caused a lot of spurious logging in some cases. Set profiling.report_dropped_profiles to True if you want older behaviour.


Breaking Changes

Potential Downtime


  • #4875 Lookml view file contents will no longer be populated in custom_properties, instead view definitions will be always available in the View Definitions tab.

Other notable Changes


Breaking Changes

  • #4644 Remove database option from snowflake source which was deprecated since v0.8.5
  • #4595 Rename confusing config report_upstream_lineage to upstream_lineage_in_report in snowflake connector which was added in 0.8.32

Potential Downtime


  • #4644 host_port option of snowflake and snowflake-usage sources deprecated as the name was confusing. Use account_id option instead.

Other notable Changes

  • #4760 check_role_grants option was added in snowflake to disable checking roles in snowflake as some people were reporting long run times when checking roles.

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