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AWS setup guide

The following is a set of instructions to quickstart DataHub on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Note, the guide assumes that you do not have a kubernetes cluster set up. If you are deploying DataHub to an existing cluster, please skip the corresponding sections.


This guide requires the following tools:

  • kubectl to manage kubernetes resources
  • helm to deploy the resources based on helm charts. Note, we only support Helm 3.
  • eksctl to create and manage clusters on EKS
  • AWS CLI to manage AWS resources

To use the above tools, you need to set up AWS credentials by following this guide.

Start up a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS

Let’s follow this guide to create a new cluster using eksctl. Run the following command with cluster-name set to the cluster name of choice, and region set to the AWS region you are operating on.

eksctl create cluster \
--name <<cluster-name>> \
--region <<region>> \
--with-oidc \

The command will provision an EKS cluster powered by 3 EC2 m3.large nodes and provision a VPC based networking layer.

If you are planning to run the storage layer (MySQL, Elasticsearch, Kafka) as pods in the cluster, you need at least 3 nodes. If you decide to use managed storage services, you can reduce the number of nodes or use m3.medium nodes to save cost. Refer to this guide to further customize the cluster before provisioning.

Note, OIDC setup is required for following this guide when setting up the load balancer.

Run kubectl get nodes to confirm that the cluster has been setup correctly. You should get results like below

NAME                                          STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION Ready <none> 3h v1.18.9-eks-d1db3c Ready <none> 3h v1.18.9-eks-d1db3c Ready <none> 3h v1.18.9-eks-d1db3c

Setup DataHub using Helm

Once the kubernetes cluster has been set up, you can deploy DataHub and it’s prerequisites using helm. Please follow the steps in this guide

Expose endpoints using a load balancer

Now that all the pods are up and running, you need to expose the datahub-frontend end point by setting up ingress. To do this, you need to first set up an ingress controller. There are many ingress controllers to choose from, but here, we will follow this guide to set up the AWS Application Load Balancer(ALB) Controller.

First, if you did not use eksctl to setup the kubernetes cluster, make sure to go through the prerequisites listed here.

Download the IAM policy document for allowing the controller to make calls to AWS APIs on your behalf.

curl -o iam_policy.json

Create an IAM policy based on the policy document by running the following.

aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
--policy-document file://iam_policy.json

Use eksctl to create a service account that allows us to attach the above policy to kubernetes pods.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--cluster=<<cluster-name>> \
--namespace=kube-system \
--name=aws-load-balancer-controller \
--attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::<<account-id>>:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
--override-existing-serviceaccounts \

Install the TargetGroupBinding custom resource definition by running the following.

kubectl apply -k ""

Add the helm chart repository containing the latest version of the ALB controller.

helm repo add eks
helm repo update

Install the controller into the kubernetes cluster by running the following.

helm upgrade -i aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller \
--set clusterName=<<cluster-name>> \
--set serviceAccount.create=false \
--set \
-n kube-system

Verify the install completed by running kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller. It should return a result like the following.

NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
aws-load-balancer-controller 2/2 2 2 142m

Now that the controller has been set up, we can enable ingress by updating the values.yaml (or any other values.yaml file used to deploy datahub). Change datahub-frontend values to the following.

enabled: true
repository: linkedin/datahub-frontend-react
tag: "latest"
enabled: true
annotations: alb internet-facing instance <<certificate-arn>> '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]' '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
- host: <<host-name>>
- path: /*
name: ssl-redirect
port: use-annotation
- /*

You need to request a certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager by following this guide, and replace certificate-arn with the ARN of the new certificate. You also need to replace host-name with the hostname of choice like

To have the metadata authentication service enabled and use API tokens from the UI you will need to set the configuration in the values.yaml for the gms and the frontend deployments. This could be done by enabling the metadata_service_authentication:

enabled: true

After updating the yaml file, run the following to apply the updates.

helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml

Once the upgrade completes, run kubectl get ingress to verify the ingress setup. You should see a result like the following.

NAME                       CLASS    HOSTS                         ADDRESS                                                                 PORTS   AGE
datahub-datahub-frontend <none> 80 3h5m

Note down the elb address in the address column. Add the DNS CNAME record to the host domain pointing the host-name ( from above) to the elb address. DNS updates generally take a few minutes to an hour. Once that is done, you should be able to access datahub-frontend through the host-name.

Use AWS managed services for the storage layer

Managing the storage services like MySQL, Elasticsearch, and Kafka as kubernetes pods requires a great deal of maintenance workload. To reduce the workload, you can use managed services like AWS RDS, Elasticsearch Service, and Managed Kafka as the storage layer for DataHub. Support for using AWS Neptune as graph DB is coming soon.


Provision a MySQL database in AWS RDS that shares the VPC with the kubernetes cluster or has VPC peering set up between the VPC of the kubernetes cluster. Once the database is provisioned, you should be able to see the following page. Take a note of the endpoint marked by the red box.


First, add the DB password to kubernetes by running the following.

kubectl delete secret mysql-secrets
kubectl create secret generic mysql-secrets --from-literal=mysql-root-password=<<password>>

Update the sql settings under global in the values.yaml as follows.

host: "<<rds-endpoint>>:3306"
hostForMysqlClient: "<<rds-endpoint>>"
port: "3306"
url: "jdbc:mysql://<<rds-endpoint>>:3306/datahub?verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=true&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8"
driver: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
username: "root"
secretRef: mysql-secrets
secretKey: mysql-root-password

Run helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml to apply the changes.

Elasticsearch Service

Provision an elasticsearch domain running elasticsearch version 7.10 or above that shares the VPC with the kubernetes cluster or has VPC peering set up between the VPC of the kubernetes cluster. Once the domain is provisioned, you should be able to see the following page. Take a note of the endpoint marked by the red box.

AWS Elasticsearch Service

Update the elasticsearch settings under global in the values.yaml as follows.

host: <<elasticsearch-endpoint>>
port: "443"
useSSL: "true"

You can also allow communication via HTTP (without SSL) by using the settings below.

host: <<elasticsearch-endpoint>>
port: "80"

If you have fine-grained access control enabled with basic authentication, first run the following to create a k8s secret with the password.

kubectl delete secret elasticsearch-secrets
kubectl create secret generic elasticsearch-secrets --from-literal=elasticsearch-password=<<password>>

Then use the settings below.

host: <<elasticsearch-endpoint>>
port: "443"
useSSL: "true"
username: <<username>>
secretRef: elasticsearch-secrets
secretKey: elasticsearch-password

If you have access control enabled with IAM auth, enable AWS auth signing in Datahub


Then use the settings below.

host: <<elasticsearch-endpoint>>
port: "443"
useSSL: "true"
region: <<AWS region of Opensearch>>

Lastly, you NEED to set the following env variable for elasticsearchSetupJob. AWS Elasticsearch/Opensearch service uses OpenDistro version of Elasticsearch, which does not support the "datastream" functionality. As such, we use a different way of creating time based indices.

enabled: true
repository: linkedin/datahub-elasticsearch-setup
tag: "***"
value: "true"

Run helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml to apply the changes.

Note: If you have a custom setup of elastic search cluster and are deploying through docker, you can modify the configurations in datahub to point to the specific ES instance -

  1. If you are using docker quickstart you can modify the hostname and port of the ES instance in docker compose quickstart files located here.
    1. Once you have modified the quickstart recipes you can run the quickstart command using a specific docker compose file. Sample command for that is
      • datahub docker quickstart --quickstart-compose-file docker/quickstart/docker-compose-without-neo4j.quickstart.yml
  2. If you are not using quickstart recipes, you can modify environment variable in GMS to point to the ES instance. The env files for datahub-gms are located here.

Further, you can find a list of properties supported to work with a custom ES instance here and here .

A mapping between the property name used in the above two files and the name used in docker/env file can be found here.

Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK)

Provision an MSK cluster that shares the VPC with the kubernetes cluster or has VPC peering set up between the VPC of the kubernetes cluster. Once the domain is provisioned, click on the “View client information” button in the ‘Cluster Summary” section. You should see a page like below. Take a note of the endpoints marked by the red boxes.


Update the kafka settings under global in the values.yaml as follows.

server: "<<bootstrap-server endpoint>>"
server: "<<zookeeper endpoint>>"
url: "http://prerequisites-cp-schema-registry:8081"
partitions: 3
replicationFactor: 3

Note, the number of partitions and replicationFactor should match the number of bootstrap servers. This is by default 3 for AWS MSK.

Run helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml to apply the changes.

AWS Glue Schema Registry

WARNING: AWS Glue Schema Registry DOES NOT have a python SDK. As such, python based libraries like ingestion or datahub-actions (UI ingestion) is not supported when using AWS Glue Schema Registry

You can use AWS Glue schema registry instead of the kafka schema registry. To do so, first provision an AWS Glue schema registry in the "Schema Registry" tab in the AWS Glue console page.

Once the registry is provisioned, you can change helm chart as follows.

type: AWS_GLUE
region: <<AWS region of registry>>
registry: <<name of registry>>

Note, it will use the name of the topic as the schema name in the registry.

Before you update the pods, you need to give the k8s worker nodes the correct permissions to access the schema registry.

The minimum permissions required looks like this

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The latter part is required to have "*" as the resource because of an issue in the AWS Glue schema registry library. Refer to this issue for any updates.

Glue currently doesn't support AWS Signature V4. As such, we cannot use service accounts to give permissions to access the schema registry. The workaround is to give the above permission to the EKS worker node's IAM role. Refer to this issue for any updates.

Run helm upgrade --install datahub datahub/datahub --values values.yaml to apply the changes.

Note, you will be seeing log "Schema Version Id is null. Trying to register the schema" on every request. This log is misleading, so should be ignored. Schemas are cached, so it does not register a new version on every request (aka no performance issues). This has been fixed by this PR but the code has not been released yet. We will update version once a new release is out.

IAM policies for UI-based ingestion

This section details how to attach policies to the acryl-datahub-actions pod that powers UI-based ingestion. For some of the ingestion recipes, you sepecify login creds in the recipe itself, making it easy to set up auth to grab metadata from the data source. However, for AWS resources, the recommendation is to use IAM roles and policies to gate requests to access metadata on these resources.

To do this, let's follow this guide to associate a kubernetes service account with an IAM role. Then we can attach this IAM role to the acryl-datahub-actions pod to let the pod assume the specified role.

First, you must create an IAM policy with all the permissions needed to run ingestion. This is specific to each connector and the set of metadata you are trying to pull. i.e. profiling requires more permissions, since it needs access to the data, not just the metadata. Let's say assume the ARN of that policy is arn:aws:iam::<<account-id>>:policy/policy1.

Then, create a service account with the policy attached is to use eksctl. You can run the following command to do so.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name <<service-account-name>> \
--namespace <<namespace>> \
--cluster <<eks-cluster-name>> \
--attach-policy-arn <<policy-ARN>> \
--approve \

For example, running the following will create a service account "acryl-datahub-actions" in the datahub namespace of datahub EKS cluster with arn:aws:iam::<<account-id>>:policy/policy1 attached.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name acryl-datahub-actions \
--namespace datahub \
--cluster datahub \
--attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<<account-id>>:policy/policy1 \
--approve \

Lastly, in the helm values.yaml, you can add the following to the acryl-datahub-actions to attach the service account to the acryl-datahub-actions pod.

enabled: true
name: <<service-account-name>>

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