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Creating a New GraphQL Endpoint in GMS

This guide will walk you through how to add a new GraphQL endpoint in GMS.

listOwnershipTypes example: The listOwnershipTypes endpoint will be used as an example. This endpoint was added in this commit which can be used as reference.

GraphQL API changes

Adding an endpoint definition

GraphQL endpoint definitions for GMS are located in the datahub-graphql-core/src/main/resources/ directory. New endpoints can be added to the relevant file, e.g. entity.graphql for entity management endpoints, search.graphql for search-related endpoints, etc. Or, for totally new features, new files can be added to this directory.

listOwnershipTypes example: The endpoint was added in the entity.graphql file since ownership types are being added as an entity.

Query or Mutation?

Read-only functionality can go in the Query section, while mutations go in the Mutation section. The definition for new functionality can go in the appropriate section depending on the use case.

listOwnershipTypes example: The endpoint was added in the type Query section because it is read-only functionality. In the same commit, createOwnershipType, updateOwnershipType, and deleteOwnershipType were added in the type Mutation section as these are operations that perform writes.

Input and Output Types

If the new endpoint requires more than a few inputs or outputs, a struct can be created in the same file to collect these fields.

listOwnershipTypes example: Since this functionality takes and returns quite a few parameters, input ListOwnershipTypesInput and type ListOwnershipTypesResult were added to represent the input and output structs. In the same PR, no input and output structs were added for deleteOwnershipType since the inputs and output are primitive types.

Building your changes

After adding the new endpoint, and new structs if necessary, building the project will generate the Java classes for the new code that can be used in making the server changes. Build the datahub project to make the new symbols available.

listOwnershipTypes example: The build step will make the new types ListOwnershipTypesInput and ListOwnershipTypesResult available in a Java IDE.

Java Server changes

We turn now to developing the server-side functionality for the new endpoint.

Adding a resolver

GraphQL queries are handled by Resolver classes located in the datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/resolvers/ directory. Resolvers are classes that implement the DataFetcher<T> interface where T is CompletableFuture<ClassForResultOfTheEndpoint>.This interface provides a get method that takes in a DataFetchingEnvironment and returns a CompletableFuture of the endpoint return type. The resolver can contain any services needed to resolve the endpoint, and use them to compute the result.

listOwnershipTypes example: The ListOwnershipTypesResolver class implements DataFetcher<CompletableFuture<ListOwnershipTypesResult>> since this is the return type of the endpoint. It contains an EntityClient instance variable to handle the ownership type fetching.

Often the structure of the Resolver classes is to call a service to receive a response, then use a method to transform the result from the service into the GraphQL type returned.

listOwnershipTypes example: The ListOwnershipTypesResolver calls the search method in its EntityClient to get the ownership types, then calls the defined mapUnresolvedOwnershipTypes function to transform the response into a ListOwnershipTypesResult.

Tip: Resolver classes can be tested with unit tests!

listOwnershipTypes example: The reference commit adds the ListOwnershipTypeResolverTest class.

Adding the resolver to the GMS server

The main GMS server is located in To hook up the resolver to handle the endpoint, find the relevant section based on if the new enpoint is a Query or a Mutation and add the resolver as the dataFetcher for the name of the endpoint.

listOwnershipTypes example: The following line of code is added in GmsGraphQLEngine: .dataFetcher("listOwnershipTypes", new ListOwnershipTypesResolver(this.entityClient)). This uses the ListOwnershipTypes resolver to handle queries for listOwnershipTypes endpoint.

Testing your change

In addition to unit tests for your resolver mentioned above, GraphQL functionality in datahub can be tested using the built-in GraphiQL endpoint. The endpoint is located at localhost:8080/api/graphiql on Quickstart and at the equivalent URL for a production instance. This provides fast debug-ability for querying GraphQL. See How to Set Up GraphQL for more information

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